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Our guiding light is our values

Striving for excellence, ethical rigour, emotional intelligence and absorbing enthusiasm for our work: these are the values we share. From our values we draw daily inspiration, drive and priceless motivation as they make the profession we have chosen so challenging but also, because of that, so much interesting. The distinctive trait of our organisation is the continuous effort to put our values at work among our staff, between our staff and our Clients as well as the profound respect for the public interest.

A driving commitment

There is a very large difference between simply doing a job and doing it with a sense of mission. We have a mission: to build excellent people. In a sense, this is the sum total of our deeply held conviction that we should be very proud to be members of this firm. It is where the young members' desire to grow and the more experienced professionals' pleasure taken in teaching them meet and bear fruit. It is the noble task that makes us give our very best. A task that is at the same time an irreplaceable means of personal improvement through the achievement of knowledge. We want to transmit its essence to our Customers and, by extension, to our society.

Our Services

Audit: most requested service

Not only audits: Organisational services

Not only audits: Assurance services

Not only audits: the other services we perform

Audit: most requested service


We have local roots but we are part of an international network: our services are both for big companies and for small and medium enterprises. We got specific experiences in the following sector: Manufacturing (machinery and equipment), Wholesale and retail, Construction, Rental, Health and social services, Information and publishing, Oil, Gas and energy, Shipping, Restaurant.