Born in Modena, Italy, in 1967. Andrea graduated with a degree in economics and business administration from the University of Modena, is “Dottore commercialista” (Italian CPA) and listed in the Italian Register of Auditors, held by the Ministry of Economic and Finance. He joined Axis in 1992, where his main tasks included statutory auditing, separate and consolidated financial statements of holdings, international groups and listed companies, both Italian GAAP and IAS/IFRS, in mechanical, construction and steel industries, textile-clothing and luxury goods distribution, transport and rent services, health care and the welfare sector. Other relevant experience in due diligence projects, M&A, advice on transition and implementation IFRS projects, management tool & training support. Partner since 1997, previously responsible of the quality management, he is actually responsible for business development and international liaison. From 2008 to 2014, Andrea has been member of: Auditing & Assurance Policy Group of FEE (Féderation des Experts Comptables Européens-Brussels, now Accountancy Europe) as Technical Advisor nominated by Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC); FEE - Task Force to review the implementation of Clarified International Standards on Auditing (ISA) in the European Union. From 2008 to 2012 he has been technical supervisor member of CNDCEC task force for review and translation of IFAC's Guides on ISA in SME audit and Quality Control for SMPs. Seminars and training speaker both to SMP meeting and SME course, on audit and accountant standards, professional development opportunity, international network opportunity and authored articles on Clarify ISA on Italian magazine "Il Revisore Legale" edited by Il Sole 24 Ore.